HoloRam Line

hr2The biological regulators seek to promote, maintain or restore the body’s energetic balance necessary for the health.
This is achieved through the provision of information patterns carried by a substrate of herbal adaptogens, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and micronutrients, balanced and biophysically active.
In the HoloRam range, synergy among molecular, energy and informative levels is achieved to generate a synchronous activation of natural regulation system.

Rather than compensating for deficiencies in different substances, our aim is bioregulation, in other words to activate and energize optimal combinations of biological substances to generate bio-information system that will trigger essential metabolic cascades.

Currently, this Biological regulator range is compound by 16 supplements. They are present in capsules and one in liquid format, HoloRam Equilife, which is a versatile synthesis of the entire system. The appropriate use of each one, either individually or in good combination, contributes to the harmonization of the biological area, to keep us healthy and prevent disease, or modify the imbalance of the disease
HoloRam® Equilife: Global Bio-Regulator of the vital energy.

Global Bioregulator of the vital energy
• HoloRam Equilife is a regenerator of the vital energy- chi or prana- . It supports and complements the action of each of the supplements of the Holoram Range.
• It promotes the restoration of altered homeostasis and favors the conservation and strengthening of the harmonious balance of biological systems; being orientated also to the prevention and promotion of the health.
• It has a global adaptogen effect which promotes the balance of the transfers of information among all the key systems for the biological regulation. It promotes a deep restorative action of energy imbalances; these imbalances are the source of many functional and organic disorders.
• It is indicated to assist in the integrated adaptive regulation of the nervous, immune, endocrine, and metabolic systems, promoting energy production and processes for eliminating toxins.
HoloRam Equilife is specifically designed to activate the chi or vital energy, favoring assimilation preservation and circulation in the body. It has been elaborated with a complex extract of major adaptogens, ayurvedic plants, fungi, essential oils, trace elements and micronutrients. And it provides a multisystemic pattern of global information, in harmonic resonance with all other products of the HoloRam Range, of which properties catalyze and complement.
Respiratory system Bioregulator
• Regulation of the natural systems of protection and regeneration of respiratory epithelium: Calendula, Zinc, Beta Carotene.
• Regulation of the natural systems of immunomodulation: Echinacea, Curcuma, Propoleo, Ganoderma lucidum, Thyme, Rosemary.
• Regulation of the natural systems of broncho-dilation: Thyme, Mullein, Elderberry, Tirosine, phenylalanine.
• Regulation of the mucolytic systems and natural expectorant: Ginger, Mullein, Thyme, Borage, Cysteine.
• Regulation of the antibacterial defense systems: Thyme, Curcuma, Propoleo, Cuprum.
• Regulation of the antiviral defense systems: Elderberry, Rosemary, Zinc.
• Supply of vitamins and natural antioxidants: Wild Rose, Curcuma, Rosemary, Conzyme Q10, Beta-carotene, Selenium.
Mood Bioregulator related to mental asthenia
• Energetic Bio-Regulator of internal neurochemical programs that involved in the compensation of low mood states, especially anxiety, fatigue and declining of the vital tone.
• It provides energizing information of the precursors. They regulate the tracks of neurotransmitter, neuropeptides and metabolites which are involved in the solution of the psychic asthenia. This is reinforced by the energetic activation of the phytonutrients with toning effect on the central nervous system.
Bioregulator of the osteo-articulate system.
• Regenerator of the information and articulate energy patterns.
• Energy nutrition of the osteoarticular system including cartilage, subchondral bone and synovial tissue.
• Activation of compensatory mechanisms of the biological effects of free radicals at the osteoarticular level with consequent restoration of the quality of the membranes for the correct transfer of intercellular information.
• Energy regulation of immune events that generate the articular inflammatory response.
• Energy balance of the endocrine axis related to the osteo-articular ligament and metabolism.
• Drainage of toxic substances that are deposited in the connective tissue and alter collagen and supporting tissues.
• Metabolic regulation of tissues which compose the articular system.
Holoram® Agelife favors the balance of systems that protect against premature cellular aging. It contains a synergistic blend of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and adaptogenic plants activated in a critical combination to stimulate natural processes, which help prevent and counteract degeneration and premature cellular ageing.
Stress, inflammation, immunological and microcirculatory disorders and oxidative damage, factors linked to ageing, can be modulated by the organic regulation systems that Holoram® Agelife can activate.
Bioregulator of the cardiovascular system
• It stimulates the natural processes of biological regulation that maintain the health of the cardiovascular system, including the biological regulation of blood pressure, the urine output, the heart rate, the tone of the muscles of the heart and blood vessels and activation of natural metabolic functions of the vascular endothelium.
• The main micronutrients contained in Cardivas are: plant sterols, epigallocatechin gallate, and niacin and curcumin which contain regulatory information of the three most important factors in the alterations of the vascular system: inflammation of the vascular endothelium, oxidative stress and dysfunction autoimmune.
• It provides information of amino acids and enzymes needed for maintaining dilation of capillaries that keeps the cell oxygenation and nutrition.
• It stimulates the homeostasis of the vegetative nervous system as well as the physiological regulation of blood pressure.
• It increases the mild relaxing effect that attenuates the effects of stress on the cardiovascular network.
• It activates the protective processes of the coronary circulation, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle.
• It activates the production of energy at a mitochondrial level, essential to optimal myocardial function.
Bioregulator in response to neurodegenerative processes
• It provides energizing information of the natural processes of prevention and control of neurodegenerative disorders.
• It provides information needed for the activation of the energy physiology that maintains the own functions of adaptive intelligences, especially including memory and learning.
• It favors the restoration of the physiology of the cell membranes of neuronal groups, and its lipoprotein substrate, essential for the transfer of information to the central level.
Bioregulator in response to chronic pain
• It provides regulatory information that promotes the analgesic and anti-inflammatory processes of the body. The bio-regulation is connected to the programming of the pain in the whole chain of receivers of the pain signal from the marrow to the central nervous system.
• It is a bio-regulator of the inducers and promoters that maintain the chronic pain signal. It acts on the origin, the conduct and central printing of chronic pain which generally has become a standalone program in the cerebral cortex; and it is a modulator that regulates the balance and control of the cytokines and metabolites signals that are involved in the inflammatory process.
• This is possible thanks to the microdoses of activating nutrient of physiology that programs the analgesic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the own organism.
Bioregulator of the toxin removal system.
• Inductor effect that favors the antioxidant and chelate pathways necessary for the elimination of toxic waste, in the cell and interstitial tissue.
• It has been specially formulate to activate the detoxification pathways and process generated by the environmental pollution or by the metabolism itself.
• It favors the function of the drainage system of the toxic subproducts of the metabolism and free radicals which affect the cell matrix and the permeability of the cell membranes.
• It induces the methylation processes required for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, favoring transport and mitochondrial metabolism of fatty acids and contributes in the regulation of acid-base balance in a renal level. It’s a great hepatoprotective and activator of lipid metabolism.
Digestive System Bioregulator.
• This bioregulator restores, maintains and promotes the energy balance of the digestive functions.
• It regulates the intestinal peristalsis, actives the lipid metabolism and balances the macrobiota.
• Energy activation, regeneration of the intestinal mucosa cells and, protection of the oxidative stress.
• It activates pathways and detoxification processes and eliminates toxic wastes generated by environmental pollution and the metabolism itself. It promotes the drainage systems function.
• Regulation of intestinal immune system and of the hepatobiliary and gastro-pancreatic secretory function.
• Hepatoprotection and induction of the activation of the digestive enzyme.
• Balance of the enteric nervous system; it regulates the response of the digestive tract to physical or emotional stress
Bioregulator of the sleep.
• Bioregulator of the systems involves in the induction and maintenance of a physiological sleep. This bioregulator is a repairer, strengthening the immune system and increasing memory and learning ability
• It provides a specific multi-system approach to induce balance of neuropeptides and neurotransmitter systems involved in the sleep. So this bioregulator facilitates: physiological control of anxiety, agitation, irritability and nervousness and activates the relaxing and anxiolytics systems of the nervous system itself; it also applies a neurotic effect, which favors natural sleep and a complete awakening process.
• It provides information in order to promote the balance of biological reactions involved in physiological sleep.
Bio-regulator that improves the nutritional and energy state that may be useful with the prostate healthy conditions.
Energy Bioregulator
• It promotes healthy production and distribution of biological energy.
• It prevents and corrects energetic imbalances which affects to the quantity, quality and/or distribution of the energy in the organism.
• Its target is to combat the weakness, lethargy and fatigue syndromes induced by physical or mental stress and which are often associated with chronic disease.
• It prevents ammonia build-up and boosts its elimination by activating the urea cycle, acting on the Krebs, and in this way it facilitates the cellular energy production, tackling the cause of fatigue from its cause.
Bioregulator that helps combat asthenia, adynamia and chronic fatigue syndromes induced by physical or psychic stress, frequently associated with chronic disease.
Bioregulator of the endocrine system.
• It stimulates the natural bioenergetic processes of neuroendocrine regulation, especially the ones affected during the processes of hormonal transition, such as menopause and premenstrual tension syndromes.
• It provides the information required for the activation of the energy physiology of restoration of the energy balance in the periods of hormone transition.
Bioregulator of the nervous system
• This bioregulator regulates the adaptive response to different types of stress. It is a masterful combination of the adaptogens and energy regulators of the vegetative nervous system, the central nervous system and the natural systems of response to stress, which have been strongly activated in order to promote the harmonious adaptation to the changing demands of the physical and emotional environment.
• This substrate is activated biophysically in order to provide the information for the equilibrium of central neurotransmission, of the neurovegetative, of the laterality and of the system of epiphysis respond –hypothalamus and hypothalamus- pituitary- suprarenal.
• It promotes the energy response of global adaptation to exogenous and endogenous of stress.
Improves the accessibility of bacteria to enzymatic, mineral and vitamin sub- strates originated in plants, by seeking the selective activation of colonic proliferation of strains con- sidered beneficial for health (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).
Contributes to the protection and activation of the endogenous mechanisms of generation, storage and distribution of cellular energy, based on the most important structure of energy generation: the mitochondria.
Bioregulator of the immune system.
• It is an inducer of the processes of natural immunoregulation; it has a particular value in the degenerative processes that occur with disorders of cellular immunity.
• It facilitates the energy bioregulation of the defense systems that are involved in the disorders of humoral and cellular immunity.
• One of its objectives is to assist in regulating the immune system through an orchestrated action of a group of critical amino acids in order to maintain the immunity.

Bioregulator in response to electromagnetic radiation.
• It helps to protect from the harmful energy effects of a wide range of types of radiations. Its components have been energy activated. They have been balanced in order to promote the activation of natural systems protection in order to prevent from the harmful effects of the radiations of different frequencies.
• It takes into account the electromagnetic spectrum, from radiofrequencies and microwaves passing through the telluric and ionizing radiation as well as the ones we call human radiation, particularly the ones related to the emotional overloads that affect our systems of adaptation.
• It promotes: The activation of the harmonic resonance of the biofield itself. This allows to increase the body’s ability to adapt to exogenous energy overload.The regeneration by biorresonance of the bioplasmic field; thereby preventing leakage, weakenings and congestion of the energy network increase the individual susceptibility to pathogenic radiation.
Bioregulator in response to degenerative processes
• Activator of the regulatory information of the processes of the natural response in the degenerative disorders.
• It promotes the energy reordering of the supporting frame and regulating of polarity and cell membrane permeability, which alteration is involved in the programming of chromosomal disorders, mitochondrial and of tissue self-recognition.
• It provides information for the immune regulation and oxidation processes involved in the degenerative processes through activation of natural antioxidants programs.
Metabolic Bioregulator.
• Bioregulator of the natural metabolic processes that promote the physiological balance of weight and body fat distribution.
• It generates bio-information that trigger essential metabolic cascades in the production and storage of energy.
• It generates a pattern of information that generates the physiological processes related to the regulatory systems: hepatic; of transport and metabolism; metabolism of carbohydrates, nitrogen metabolism via the urea which prevents the accumulation of ammonia; basal metabolism linked to the consumption of calories; stress on the endocrine systems; energy at the mitochondrial level; neurotransmitter linked to the control of the appetite; mechanism for debugging and removing toxins and oxidative stress compensation.
Paranasal sinuses Bio-regulator. Is an activator of the natural processes of defense, regulation of inflammation and preservation of the integrity and health of the tissues of the paranasal sinuses.
•It could be useful to maintain healthy natural processes of the correct attention and self-control.
•It could facilitate the bio-regulatory processes affecting the integration of central bio-information, which influence the attention mechanisms and the behavior modulation.
•It may facilitate the bio-regulation processes involved in attention, learning and behavior control.
Dietary supplement as a coadjuvant in the global bioregulation of meta- bolic syndrome, which includes diabetes, obesity, hypertension, impaired cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism and insulin resistance.
Bio-regulator that improves the nutritional and energy state that may be useful with the prostate healthy conditions.
Bio-regulator that improves the nutritional and energy state that may be useful for cellular immunity.
• It favors the natural mechanisms of blood circulation and micro-nutrition regulation required by the delicate ocular structures, focused in the retina and photoreceptors involved in the capture of light.
• Helps maintain a healthy ocular system by avoiding the oxidative stress which could damage the visual organ.
• At the same time, it promotes the natural mechanisms of the suitable perfusion and oxygenation of the ocular tissues, assists in maintaining healthy mechanisms of protection for the vascular endothelium.