Pranalife Line

pranalife logoMatter is condensed energy, and energy in our bodies is regulated by a system of energy centers, or chakras, which establish connections between the subtle energy levels and endocrine glands, that transmit the ordered energy program through hormone secretion poured into the bloodstream, which acts on receptors located in different systems and organs of the body.

The energy centers are nodal points. The seven primary centers are connected with twenty secondary centers representing the anchor points or energy support points. This whole system of harmonic frequencies is precipitated in a slower vibrational pattern and ultimately condensed in the nerves, blood vessels and cell matrix. This system of correspondences establishes interdependence between inorganic and organic systems, gross and subtle energies, colors, sounds, shapes, bodies, emotions, thoughts, and more subtle order patterns or archetypes.

Chakra 1 harmonizer. It facilitates the deep structuration of self and the sense of belonging.
Chakra 5 harmonizer. It stimulates the respiratory energy, creativity, communication, intelligent expression through words, and vocation as a direction that allows the execution.
Chakra 3 harmonizer. It promotes harmony and emotional control, and stimulates the natural metabolic processes.
Chakras 2-5-6 harmonizer. It combines the qualities of Pranalife for the first and the seventh center and modulating their relationship with the sixth center, the integrator.
Chakras 1-7-6 harmonizer. It relates to the will to live and corresponds to the line of the plan or program of life.
Chakra 6 harmonizer. It contributes to the development of intuition.
Chakra 4 harmonizer. It provides information for the harmonization of cardiovascular and immune functions. It promotes proper distribution of energy resources within the body.
Chakras 3-4-6 harmonizer. It stimulates the transmutation of desires and attachments in unconditional love.
Chakra 2 harmonizer. It helps the ability to create and develop on the physical plane: fecundity, fertility, adaptability, flexibility, fluidity, sensitivity, vulnerability.
Chakra 7 harmonizer. It helps to find or restore the meaning of life, and promotes mental balance and access to the higher mind.