About Us

LaLibelula LogoLa Libelula, LLC is an online herbal reference and store for people interested in various aspects of the big and wide chapter of Natural Medicine, like Adaptogenic Remedies (Oligocatalytics), Pranic Remedies, Traditional Chinese Herbology, Homeopathy, and Fito-therapeutics.

Rather than compensating for deficiencies in different substances, our aim is “Bio-regulation”, in other words, to activate and energize optimal combinations of biological substances to generate bio-information systems that will trigger essential metabolic cascades.

This is achieved through the provision of information patterns carried by a substrate of herbal adaptogens, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and micronutrients, balanced and biophysically active.

A synergy among molecular, energy and informative levels is achieved to generate a synchronous activation of natural regulation system.

We strongly believed that health is the dynamic state of response of the human body against its continual adaptation process to the physical, emotional and mental environment that surrounds us. Having prescribed and used for many years different “ Natural Remedies” and found many of them as simple “alternatives” to the chemical drugs, we finally and fortunately concentrated in the search of remedies that goes beyond the treatment of the symptoms, or the apparently cause of them, but includes the physiological “reactions” of the human body (Adaptation Response) to the multiple stimulations that it is exposed uninterruptedly since the moment we are born until the moment we die.

“Every stress leaves an indelible scar, and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older.”                                             Hans Selye (1907-1982)

This not famous but well-known Doctor described in 1936 The General Adaptation Response (Syndrome) at University of Montreal: The struggle of the body against stress. In his studies, Dr. Selye noticed that the body has been adapting to external stressors in terms of a biological pattern that is actually predictable, so that the internal balance, or homeostasis, would be restored and maintained.

In its attempt to retain homeostasis, the body makes use of its Endocrine system (hormones) in combination with the Nervous and the Immune Systems also known as Psycho-Neuro-Immuno-Endocrine response.

We also focused on Traditional Chinese Pharmacopeia offering some of the 5000 yo formulas used by ancient practitioners in order to treat the patients following Chinese Medical Diagnosis Principles. These formulas are available in pills, in order to facilitate its ingestion.

As with any herbal, if you need advice before purchasing your remedy or natural treatment, do not hesitate to contact us for free by phone or email.

Therefore, we hope you contribute from this herbalist to improve your quality of life.